Sunday 30 May 2010


Dutton Lock.
We had intended to go to Marsh lock today. Waking at 5.15am to the accompaniment of rain and a male Blackbird beating on the windows. Yes, a slight exaggeration with regard to the rain, but it looks better in print. None with the Blackbird; he was attempting to get rid of the other male Blackbird that he could see in the window. I do not have the ability, nor the patience to explain to him about reflections, so he kept having a go whilst we tried to get back to sleep.

Just before lunch, the fire was lit, and after lunch we both settled down to our reading.

A proper boater, undeterred by the rain, arrived to go down the lock. It was Nigel Payton on Nb.Free Spirit. We had last spoken to him on the Selby Canal three years ago. On with the waterproof jacket and out to chat whilst the lock was draining. He was on a tight schedule and was going to Weston Point to see if there were any differences since BW sold it.

The rain stopped long enough for a walk before supper, so off we went. Just a short one around some of the weir stream and towards the Weaver country woodland. Soon after we arrived on board, so did the rain. Impeccable timing or good luck?