Monday 12 July 2010


Monday 12th July.
That is just how this trip could turnout. We had planned to 'do' the Leeds and Liverpool before leaving home in April: the reduced water levels in the Wigan area on our Liverpool Link and Mersey crossing trip suggested otherwise.
We are heading generally southwards at present, where the water shortages seem not to be as critical at the moment.
The Trent and Mersey is much quieter than we have ever known, perhaps the talk of hosepipe bans and reduced hours have resulted in less boats leaving their moorings.
I am not complaining, merely commenting, it does make a nice change to meet a boat in the opposing direction, especially at locks.
The forecast for tomorrow is for drier and cooler conditions, we had almost forgotten what it was like locking in the wet, thank you, mother nature, for the reminder....