Sunday 9 August 2009


Gloucester & Sharpness canal, Sunday 9th August

After son in law Tim had collected grandson Caleb; we had the luxury of browsing the Saturday paper as we recovered from the visit. It is lovely having grandchildren with us, as we collect the years; the constant stream of questions and desire for knowledge tire us more than when our children were that age. We would have it no other way. The last time that we looked at a Saturday paper was in June; the radio and television page is well and truly worn out. At last, it seems as though the weather has run out of rain; that could be the reason, it could be that we have stopped listening to the forecast on Radio 4. Whatever the reason, we have been sitting out of an evening and watching the light slowly fading over the Severn and the Forest of Dean; the views are almost as good as Derbyshire – almost!

2009 Totals: 420 Locks – 765 miles – 20 Bus pass uses.
Gloucester & Sharpness canal, Sunday 9th August