Saturday 3 May 2008

Conga line boating

Today, a more accurate name for our weekend mooring would have been Clapham Junction.
I was keeping count of the number of boats moving but by 10am I had given up. There were groups of 5 or 6 boats coming from Bramwith lock, making the 270 degree turn and heading up the New Junction canal; other groups from Barnby Dun direction making for the same canal. We walked along the towpath into Barnby Dun, stopping to pass the time of day with a man painting a widebeam boat on behalf of a friend. Continuing, the lift bridge was manned by a BW employee; what a good idea, at busy times, it will help boaters and reduce the delay for road traffic. They must have a few employees left up here, yesterday,there was another one cutting the wide grass areas bothsides of the canal. Having found the SPAR shop and purchased a paper, we looked along the small parade of shops. There were people going into the furthest shop, which turned out to be fish and chips. A quick time check revealed that my stomach was indeed synchronised – it was 12.35pm. Having paid the requisite sum of money, we retired to the canal side seat by the lift bridge and enjoyed the best piece of Haddock we had eaten for some while. As we were finishing, the owner of the aforementioned widebeam boat stopped for a chat. He was fitting it out and was looking for ideas. He accepted an invitation to look over Martlet during the afternoon; he duly arrived accompanied by his wife Lavinia and they spent a couple of hours chatting and bouncing ideas to and fro. He has a lot of boat to fit out; but living in the village, he is nearby for working on the boat. Their idea is to have a break, perhaps take the boat to York whilst camping inside to get an idea about final placing of bulkheads and fittings. We wish them luck!
Weather today – periods of warm sunshine, dry but a moderate, sometimes strong wind.
No boating, engine run for battery charging.

The 2008 journey thus far: 77 Locks & 189.5 Miles & 11 Swing Bridges