Monday 5 May 2008

Bank holiday muggy

Boating again, moved off at 10.20am in very hot sun, which would become hazy and muggy quite soon. One boat coming towards us at the first swing bridge; I went through and Myra held the bridge for him. At the next lift bridge, an oncoming narrowboat returned the compliment; back to good manners, as boating used to be a few years ago – lovely !
As we neared Sykehouse lock, the entry light was at Red. Stopping at the lock moorings, we could see why. There were seven boats rising inside; they were returning to Strawberry Island at Doncaster. BW man the lock at busy times, this was one of them. Myra walked to the next two bridges, one swing and one lift, having gone through the last one; we moored up for lunch on the end of the long moorings for the lock; which left enough space for at least two narrowboats. A steady stream of boats began arriving as we moved off. When we approached the river Went aqueduct just before the Aire and Calder canal, a cruiser waited for us to come through the reduced width part; by the time we arrived at the other end, five more were waiting. We were glad that they were all going in the other direction, as we know that mooring spots are few on the Aire and Calder. We turned left at the junction and just over a mile later, arrived at our stopping point, the lower Pollington lock moorings. While Myra wandered off to see what was happening at the lock; I made up two sets of extended fenders for use in the locks and on the large section piling. I used cable ties and joined two rope fenders end to end. It will be interesting to see how long they last. Just after sunset, the Tanker that Myra had been told would be arriving put in an appearance – Rix Owl. All the crew waved, they tied up at the lower lock gates and will be penned through at 6am.
Weather today – muggy, very warm (at last!) and dry.

The 2008 journey thus far: 78 Locks & 197 Miles & 17 Swing Bridges