Wednesday 27 August 2008

A wander around Lancaster

WEDNESDAY. Tewitfield, Lancaster canal
The 2008 trip thus far: 330 Locks; 641 Miles; 65 Swing\Lift Bridges. Bus pass journeys 29

Walking to the bus stop, there was rain in the air; but it was not raining! We caught the bus to Lancaster and had a look around, including various book and charity shops. We visited the small but interesting museum.

It is housed in the old Town Hall, a fine building built in the 1780’s. There were exhibits from Neolithic times and the interesting wooden boat burial c 784AD which contained red hair and toe and finger nails of the occupant!

We walked up to the castle which houses HMP Lancaster and saw two men repointing the stone walls by the main gate; they were on abseil ropes suspended from the top of the tower. Walking around the outside of the castle, we came to the Priory which serves as Lancaster Parish church.

There has been a church on this site since 630AD and possibly since Roman times, the present building is mainly 15th century. The carved oak stalls are 14th century, and are a really beautiful
example of early English craftsmanship. The church has the memorial chapel of the Kings own Royal Lancashire Regiment, with a display of their standards.

A visit to Sainsburys was next on our tour, for restocking of groceries before catching the bus back to Tewitfield. The rain began just before we left the bus; thankfully it had almost stopped as we began the walk back to Martlet.

Weather – Dry nearly all day – wow!