Friday 18 September 2009


Macclesfield, Friday 18th September

Firstly, we have to say ‘thank you’; to neighbours Gerald and Jessica. Gerald has rebuilt a section of our boundary dry stone wall which had been damaged last year.
We knew nothing of this until our arrival at home, a really nice surprise.
Jessica provided lunch which was a kind thought and saved us some digging in the larder. Paul, Melandra and daughter Indigo (8 1/2 months), our neighbours on the other side were invited also. We have not seen Indigo since April, she smiles a lot and waves to you; a happy little soul indeed! Our grass has not grown since we left in April, we are very fortunate in being 'sandwiched' between such kind people.

We have been at shorebase 1 for a couple of days, leaving Martlet at Whaley Bridge and thanks to our contribution as Community charge payers to Derbyshire Dales Council; travelling free on the buses to reach home. We called at the chippy on the way back from the bus stop AT Whaley Bridge yesterday evening, the Haddock and the chips were very good.

Today, we had an early start and even after 9am, saw very few boats moving. We filled with diesel at Macclesfield Canal Centre then carried on to Gurnet Aqueduct; we will be in the Old Kings Head for pies and pints later this evening.

2009 Totals: 499 Locks – 969.5 miles – 39 Bus pass uses.