Saturday 18 July 2009


River Avon, Stratford on Avon, Friday 17th July

Judging by today’s performance, we will never get our long distance badge.
We moved a few hundred yards up river to the water point and having refilled the tank, moved on under Clopton Road Bridge (yes the boat did go underneath!)to have a look at the Bathing place further upstream. The river above Stratford is lovely as it twist and turns; then it opens right out next to a gently sloping grass area and a car park, about half a mile from the main road bridge.
There is a water point, rubbish and elsan disposal on the north of the grassed area I was surprised to see that the rubbish was just thrown into a gated compound. I am sure shovelling that lot into a bin must contravene some health and safety rules.
We moved back to a mooring opposite the church, slightly north of our previous one.
Walking back from another visit to the town, nb. My Gosh was in the basin with Gordon shouting a greeting from the cabin steps.
The heavens opened soon after we arrived on Martlet, a combination of luck and looking at the very dark clouds heading in our direction.
We will move down river tomorrow, weather permitting

2009 Totals: 404 Locks – 677 miles – 18 Bus pass uses.