Tuesday 27 April 2010

2010 beckons!

Hello; having had a snow covered garden for nearly 10 weeks earlier this year, we are glad to be back on Martlet for this season. One long range forecast that we have heard is promising a good summer; we do not bother to remember the Met office forecast as they seem to have lost the plot along with their bit of seaweed.
During the winter, Martlet has had the hull blasted with glass beads and then covered in Epoxy bitumen, and looks very smart.
I have made a pull out double bed with storage underneath in the saloon. Outside I have renewed the ropes. They were poly hemp and were supplied with the boat in 1999; they do not owe us much and were beginning to show signs of abrasion and general wear.
We were moored at Endon, checking that all is in working order before leaving the Caldon for the Summer, when Strange Magic with Roy on the helm passed by: we exchanged greetings and could well meet up again as we will be moving off tomorrow.
Imagine, no television and no visual election coverage - what a bonus!